Corporate Identity
Seohyun Techcam is concentrating all its capabilities to attempt growth in various industries.
In addition, we share a vision to help each business division grow into a global business group
by becuring competitiveness and creating savings.
Seohyun Techchem embodies technology, continued growth, and global business.
CI colors
Seohyun blue
- CMYK C100 M94 Y0 K10
- RGB #23328a
Seohyun pink
- CMYK C0 M100 Y41 K0
- RGB #ed0f63
Seohyun green
- CMYK C100 M0 Y60 K0
- RGB #00a88e
Seohyun black
- CMYK C0 M0 Y0 K100
- RGB #000000